Monday, January 30, 2017

Neighborly Compassionate Reminder.

Just a little while ago, I was looking out of my kitchen window. I live a few blocks from a senior living home. There is a fellow, Charlie, who is always out walking....rain, snow or shine. He is elderly and lives in the assisted living community. Daily, he walks by my house numerous times. He always inspires me to get outside when I see him. Today, I noticed Charlie walking by from my window...he didn't look quite right. He was stumbling and looked really dizzy. Suddenly he fell to the street. I rushed over to help. Two other neighbors immediately pulled up their trucks to also help. One ran over to the home to get a nurse, while myself and my neighbor Jason chatted with Charlie and made sure he was stable and alert and felt cared for. The staff came out and got Charlie in a wheelchair and thanked us for looking out. His blood sugar level had dropped and Charlie said he "bit a bit more off than he could chew today." He emphatically said he'll be back out again tomorrow, and I told him I'd make sure to say hello!
I don't tell this story to pat myself on the shoulder whatsoever. I tell it because lately, we have been inundated by the nasty and vitriolic things happening in our country. I have been consumed by it. I have let it profoundly effect me (as it should) to a point of almost paralyzation (which is unhealthy).
Today, was a refreshing reminder that we all need to look after one another. My neighbors jumped into assist and comfort Charlie. It made my heart smile. None of us thought about political differences, none of us thought about age, sex, gender, race....we just acted. I felt the compassion and pure human spirit again. It's still out there, and it's heart is still pumping and lungs still breathing. It was a poignant reminder to see the good in people and to get off my computer and TV screen and interact with my neighbors and look out for each other. Compassion is infectious. It's human. Thank you Charlie and to my lovely neighbors. I'll be seeing you out there tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Amigo Ryan: Permiteme el lujo de llamarte amigo aunque en realidad podrías ser mi maestro.
    Maestro en fotografía porque me muestras a lo que sueño llegar en ese arte; maestro en sentir y transmitir tus sentimientos sobre lo que te rodea, algo que apenas puedo hacerlo toscamente; maestro en fin de ver y entender la vida, quitando tanta paja que tenemos en nuestros ojos y nuestras mentes.
    Como tu voy por los caminos en busca de paisajes o un detalle que sacuda mis sentimientos para luego tomar la foto y mostrarla para que mis amigos no solo pongan un "like" convencional sino que sientan algo de lo que sentí allí donde estuve. No es fácil, ya lo se, pero tu ejemplo me ayudará mucho.
    Gracias y hasta pronto.
